Use of AT-

1. It is used to denote the nearby point-
Ex- 1. They are standing at the gate.
       2. Who is knocking at the gate?

2. Sometimes it is used to show the exact time-
Ex- 1. I will meet you at 1 o' clock.
       2. We will meet you at lunch.

3. It is used to indicate festivals-
Ex- 1. They will come at Diwali.
       2. I will go to Jaipur at the weekend.

4. It is used to show specific place or building-
 Ex- 1. They are still at school.
        2. I am studying at school.

5. It is used for small places and town-
Ex- 1. He lives at Mavana in Meerut.
       2. They are settling at Dwarka in Delhi.


  1. Very very helpful for me while writing mail and any type of grammar related article.:)

  2. Very very helpful for me while writing mail and any type of grammar related article.:)

  3. Very informative.. I wasn't aware of using 'At' for festivals 😬

  4. small things matters a lot and also small basic rules of grammar matters a lot ..
    very informative article and an effective one to keep aware of the English Grammar rules


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