Synthesis is used to join two or more sentences. After joining the sentences, three types of sentences are framed, i.e., Simple, Complex and Compound. One by one we will discuss all three types of sentences.

Simple Sentences- Every sentence has one finite verb. To make simple sentence, we need only one finite verb and rest, we need to change into Non-Finite Verbs.

There are eight methods to transform two or more sentences into simple sentences-

1. Participle
2. Gerund
3. Infinitive
4. Absolute Phrase
5. Adjective or Adjectival Phrase
6. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase
7. Case in Apposition
8. Conjunction

(Participle, Gerund and Infinitive are the part of Non-Finite Verbs. This portion you can go through in my previous blog where I thoroughly explained Participle, Gerund, and Infinitive)

                       4. Absolute Phrase-
It is generally used when both sentences have different subjects. To change into simple sentences through Absolute Phrase, we need to follow it-

is, are, am, was, were- change into 'being'
other verb-                   change into 'having + V III form'
in case of passive-        change into ' having been + V III form'

For Ex-  
1. The journey was very tough. Many passengers                                              refused to go.

                   The journey being tough, many passengers refused to go.

2. The police arrived. The thief ran away.
                   The police having arrived, the thief ran away.

                3. It was Monday. All the shops were closed.
                   It being Monday, all the shops were closed.

                4. The shop was closed. The customers went from outside.
                   The shop having been closed, the customers went from outside.

                             5. Adjective or Adjectival Phrase

When one sentence has noun and second sentence shows the quality of that noun, then we use Adjective or Adjectival Phrase to join the sentences.

For Ex-   
1. I saw a boy in the mall. He was very smart.
                     I saw a very smart boy in the mall.

2.  I saw a flower in the garden. It was very beautiful.
                      I saw a very beautiful flower in the garden.

3. She wore dress. It was very beautiful.
                      She wore a very beautiful dress.

                  4. He is a boy. He is very intelligent.
                      He is a very intelligent boy.


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