Use of 'BY'

Use of 'BY'

1. It is used in the passive sentence-
For Ex- 1. This work was done by me.
              2. This ring was given to me by my mother.

2. It is used in the case of 'during'-
For Ex- 1. Do not travel by night.
              2. We work by day and sleep by night.

3. It is used to show the thing that is done by future-
For Ex-  1. I will come finish it by tomorrow.
               2. They will complete it by morning.

4. By is used to show the result of any reason -
For Ex-  1. By mistake I have done it.

5.It is used in the case of fate and destiny-
For Ex-  1. By chance she met with me.

6. It is used for taking oath-
For Ex-  1. By God I have not done it.
               2. By God I can't tell a lie.

7. It is used to measure any unit-
For Ex-  1. Bananas are sold by the  dozen.
              2. The clothes are sold by the meter.

8. It is used to show the gradual development-
For Ex-  1. Step by step I will learn everything.
               2. One by one I will complete all the stories.

9. It is used to show near or next to-
For Ex-  1. He came and sat by me.
               2. Who is sitting by you?

10. It is used when we travel by some vehicle-
For Ex-  1. I travelled by bus.
              2. He is coming by flight.


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