

      SYNTHESIS Synthesis is used to join two or more sentences. After joining the sentences, three types of sentences are framed, i.e., Simple, Complex and Compound. One by one we will discuss all three types of sentences. Simple Sentences-   Every sentence has one finite verb. To make simple sentence, we need only one finite verb and rest, we need to change into Non-Finite Verbs. There are eight methods to transform two or more sentences into simple sentences- 1. Participle 2. Gerund 3. Infinitive 4. Absolute Phrase 5. Adjective or Adjectival Phrase 6. Adverb or Adverbial Phrase 7. Case in Apposition 8. Conjunction (Participle, Gerund and Infinitive are the part of Non-Finite Verbs. This portion you can go through in my previous blog where I thoroughly explained Participle, Gerund, and Infinitive)                                             4. Absolute Phrase- It is generally used when both sentences have different subjects. To change into simple sentence
  Idioms and phrases 1. Under someone’s thumb-   under control 2. Hold one’s tongue-   keep quiet 3. Take the bull by the horns-   to face the danger boldly 4. Dog in the manager-   in disguise of 5. From the bottom of the heart-   sincerely, generously 6. Take heart-   have patience 7. Take to heart-   to get hurt, be emotional 8. Lay a finger on somebody-   to find fault in others 9. Helping hand-   support 10. Big hand-   applaud 11. Bolt form the blue-   to utter the bad news 12. Curry favour-   immediate 13. Adam’s ale-   pure water 14. At sea-   perplex 15. Fall into the hands-   to be puppets, captured 16. To be at one’s finger tips-   good command, sound knowledge 17. French leave-   take leave without permission 18. Chinese tendency-   use and throw 19. To keep an eye-   pay attention properly 20. To be on high horse-   to be very furious


TYPES OF DETERMINERS Determiners can be divided in to six parts- 1. Articles 2. Quantifiers 3. Demonstratives 4. Possessives 5. Distributive 6. Interrogative   1. ARTICLES Indefinite articles are used when we talk about people in a general or indefinite way. Definite articles are used to precede a noun that is not a specific person, place or thing. a- before the consonant sounds an- before vowel sounds For Example- 1. I have a     pet dog. 2. An aeroplane is flying in the sky. 3.They bought an orange. 4. She had an umbrella in her head. 5. He teaches at a university. 6. This is a unique idea.   We use 'a' or 'an'   before singular countable nouns-   1. She wants a dog for her birthday. 2. The cat is an animal. 3. I saw an elephant in the zoo. 4. An apple a day keep the doctor away.   We use 'a' or 'an' before the names of occupations and profession-   1. He is an engineer. 2. Rahul


PRE-DETERMINERS Pre-determiners are the words which occur before a determiner and gives more information about a noun or noun phrase. Example- 1. She speaks to my friend four times   a    week .                                                Pre-d.     D  Noun 2. What    an   elegant dress !     Pre-d  D                 Noun 3.Mohan is such      an   intelligent   boy.                     Pre-d  D                      N 4. She now earns double to her previous salary.                                Pre-d        D     Noun Phrase 5.  All m y  friends are going to attend the party.   Pre-d  D     Noun TYPES OF PRE-DETERMINERS 1. Multipliers 2. Fractions 3. Intensifiers 1. MULTIPLIERS-   It modifies the noun by multiplying the quantity that can be once, double, thrice,                                     four times, five times etc. Examples- 1. He has visited the doctor six times this year. 2. My mother called me two times yesterday. 2. FRACTIONS- As the word fractions indicate inste


 DETERMINERS Determiners are words which placed before a noun phrase to indicate what a noun refers. Determiners tell us 'how many' or 'how much'. Determiners are always used before a noun, not after that. Example- 1. A boy is standing here.                  2. They purchased all the dresses.                  3. Every students has completed his project work.                  4. Both the kids are cute. TYPES OF DETERMINERS 1. ARTICLES - a, an, the 2. POSSESSIVES- my, our, your, his, her, its , their 3. DEMONSTRATIVES- this, that, these, those 4. QUANTIFIERS- much, both, some several, all ARE DETERMINERS AND PRONOUN SAME? 1. Determiners are used before noun where as pronouns are used in the place of noun. Example- 1. Those   books are mine.                        D         N                  2. Those are mine.                         p                  3. My   dress is of blue colour.                      D       N                  4. Mine is of red colour.          


ACCOMPLISHMENT  With a big dream in eyes, Come out from comfort place, One time life always embrace, If you move ahead arise. Feel He is there to help you, In your most needy time, Just high climb for dime, And concentrate on view. Be motivate for that, And keep doing more, That help in glittering, As life is a combat, Through struggle achieve score, Which protects form withering.                                                     By- NIDHI


Rainbow diet is colourful, Which seems very powerful, Develop antioxidants in body, Make your life glossy. Red colour of cherry, Yummy, yummy like strawberry, Boosting our immunity, Two in one increase beauty. Orange colour fruit, Consist fat soluable food, Everyone become fit, When it becomes life habit. Yellow pineapple full of nutrients, Keep away from ailments, Feel mind blessing, With everybody blessing. Green colour of pumpkin seeds, With variety vegetable beans, Good source of calcium, Feeling life awesome. Blue blue blueberry, Indigo cabbage with mulberry, Protect from disease, And remove all blemishes.                                     - Nidhi